Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Deer Hunter

I bet you didn't think that the deer was the hunter!! That deer saw the apple and figured it was his. He then moved in, wrestled Ted, and then - to the victor goes the spoils! We went on a field trip to a wildlife preserve where there are lots of wild animals wandering around. But I am shocked at how tame that deer was. We went in a jeep around the preserve and hand fed camels and zebras and wildebeests and all kinds of animals. We also saw crocs and a rhino and emus. The scariest thing we fed was a couple of ostriches. They just tried to grab the food bucket from you and I was so afraid they would peck us if we didn't feed them. All in all it was fun and the kids had a blast. We are slowly getting back to normal after the holidays and everybody is great! Josh's MRI showed no change! yahh Ted fell and hurt is ankle but it was ok by the time he got baptized. That was such a blessing. I think he really felt special that day and I am so glad. Gordon's mom and dad and sister and her husband and their 2 kids all flew in and so it was a fun weekend. Dorothy just got glasses this week so I will try to get pictures of her to post soon. The other news of Joshua, his thyroid is dying and they have started him on synthroid now. It is not a surprise, we knew that this was coming and just got him on his meds and he is doing great. Luckily there are no side effects to this one so it is a non event. We are still planning to start growth hormone in April. They checked for me and in the last year Josh only grew 1 centimeter so I guess it is time. Anyway, we love you and hope you like the pictures!


Anonymous said...

Dear, dear Ruth, It's been too long since I have seen you and your family but I think of you often, especially when I drive past your old house. Please give my love to Josh. I loved being his piano teacher. My youngest son, Christian, is soon to graduate from med school. In 5 years he will be an endocrinologist. He has diabetes and Hashimoto's Syndrome (thyroid) so will be the best endo! Love to you and all, Ann Mangrum

happyfamily said...


Amy said...

Ted is so handsome! Hooray for another normal MRI for Josh. We miss you all!!!

~Family Circus~ said...

Loved the pictures! they're great as always. Jess has thyroid problems too, but can't seem to get the right dosage, we keep having to up them. Now they're saying she's either diabetic or insulin resistant and so will be diabetic at one point or another. Poor kid got my genes. I believe we add the top braces to her lip bumper on Monday, I think. We've had to change a few things in her ortho plan, so I get confused on what we're doing when. When we get to the bottom we have to make a few decisions because she's missing an adult tooth under the baby, and we have to decide which course we're going with it. Glad to hear things are going so well. We miss you guys terribly and hope you make it out here again some time soon, but have a much better trip. David is sick too now and we're really having to think about what we want to happen if something happens to both of us. Not a fun topic. Well, love ya tons and miss ya. dkj

~Family Circus~ said...

You haven't updated in awhile, nor have I heard from you. Hope all is well and nothing is wrong. My liver is bigger and my enzymes are worse, but just a few days ago I made it to my one year anniversary from when they said I wouldn't leave the hospital the same way I came in. Love proving them wrong. Other than the severe pain and the backaches form trying to carry this stomach around, I feel much better than I have. The iron iv's worked wonders and I have been actually cooking and even baking some, which I never do,because of the new found energy from not being so anemic nad having such bad rbcs, wbcs and platellets. Except for the platellets, the rest is all finally either right at the normal range or one point over. Isn't that great!! The only problem is that I developed an allergy to the infusions and we had to stop them early and the only way they'd even consider it again would be puttiing me back into the hospital to do it. We'll see who wins. My hand is still in a brace, but can take it off when I want. So that's much better than the cast. Jess's thyroid is still manfunctioning no matter what we do, and they may need to zap hers like they did to my sister. She's also hypoglacemic and severely insulin resistant and was put on metformin. Now we're dealing with the side effects and they're not fun, esp. the nonstop crying and whining "my stomach hurt". Oh well, we'll get through it. Hope you have a great Easter. I guess you have your own large easter egg party at your house without family. We drove down to the river to be with mine and for my little nieces birthday. Hope all is well and remember there are still some people who would loved to hear from you. Love ya, dkj