I thought you would love this picture. As usual there is a story that goes with it. Sunday morning Gordon went to a meeting and I got in the shower. When I got out I came downstairs to check on the kids (they were watching a video). As I got to the bottom of the stairs I found a man in my foyer with the little ones. I had not even heard the door bell. I was shocked and embarrassed because I was in a towel! I told him to come in and ran upstairs. It took me a minute because I knew he was family but I was so surprised I could not think who it was. After I got dressed I realized that it was Bill Grohoski. Bill is one of our relatives in New York. That explains why I was so surprised to see him. Turns out that he was in Texas on business and had a couple of extra hours and wanted to see the kids. We were so glad to see him and had a wonderful visit. I want to take this time to remind everyone that while our house may be a mess and I may be underdressed, we love to see family and you are always welcome.
Now, on to statistics. Josh is neutropenic again. That means that his counts are in the unsafe range and we are on high alert. No scouts or primary at church. We go back the doctor on Monday for a hearing test and they will check his counts again. Hopefully his counts will go up over the weekend. They are talking about a platelet transfusion now. We will know on Monday. Do you see the theme happening here. We keep waiting. I don't mind so much as long a Joshua is doing well at home. We kind of like going to the clinic all the time. (hahaha)
Well I just want to leave you with our love and a smile. I know that the kids look a little goofy in this shot, the sun was bright. But I hope you can smile, one because I am always a mess, two because my beautiful children and our wonderful relatives look great, and three because Josh is home and happy and feeling good today.
I found this quote today on someone's blog and wanted to pass it on: "Patient endurance permits us to cling to our faith in the Lord and in His timing when we are being tossed about by the surf of circumstance. Even when a seeming undertow grasps us, somehow in the tumbling we are being carried forward, though battered and bruised."
Have a great week
The pictures were GREAT! :o)
We feel your pain...insurance adjuster pain that is...being from Florida. Hang in there! Joseph, Daniel, and Ammon thought Josh looked like a TOTALLY awesome Jedi! Our prayers are always with you.
Lots of Love,
Michael, Nancy,
Joseph, Daniel, & Ammon
really cute picture, the kids have really grown~
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