Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hunting for Game

OK, this is the 100th post! I know I do not post often enough but I could not pass up sharing this. We have been fighting mice in our house. (ok ick ick ick) and we found a dead on on the floor by the computer desk. We have paid to have the house sealed and then Sunday night I saw another one. He got away and I called the bug man (a friend) on Monday. He came and inspected the sealing job (he is the boss and some else actually did it) and found 1 spot they might still be getting in. He put out glue traps with peanut butter on them and told me he would come today with the sealant to fix the outside. Well this morning the house smelled and I couldn't find it so I told the kids to start school and then Ted freaked out and screamed that he saw a mouse. Well he saw a mouse alright! It was dead, stuck to the outlet. Apparently when the house was painted last year the guys forgot to put the outlet cover back on and the mice have been getting in there. The dead one from before and this little guy got electrocuted! Now we can seal things up and they will be gone forever! It was just too funny. - Oh and by the way, on a side note, the glue traps did catch something, my friend's 2 year old tried to eat the peanut butter and got stuck! I think his mom was very gracious not to freak out and we cleaned him up. I am going to sleep much better knowing this is fixed and I do feel a little sad for the poor mouse, I have heard of putting your finger in a light socket but this is riduculous!


A mother heart said...

Too funny!!! I'm glad you go tit all figured out though!

Diana said...

I am glad that you got rid of the mice in the house. I know that you can not stand to have little creatures (other than your kids!) running around the house. And don't feel bad about Jakob at all. All of my family thought it was typical Jake!!

~Family Circus~ said...

That would happen only to you!!! But what a cute story. I miss you kid. Am having a really rough time right now and am looking for your phone numbr that you gave me. My illness is worse and it's just been a hard month, have fallen many times. I finally broke my right ankle and have tons of sprains and straing, as well as bruised bones. I just wanted to talk to ya. hope things are going well with you all. love ya tons, dkj

Anonymous said...

WOW! These are the type of stories I read about which make me SO glad I have a cat :o)

Love to you all!

Rachelle said...

Your mouse story intrigued me to come and find your blog. Poor little mouse. Not that I really feel to bad for him. I don't love rodents.