Monday, July 6, 2009

Catching Up

Sorry about the delay in posting. I kept hoping to have pictures but it does not seem that it will happen soon. So I just decided that I had better post and if pictures make their way into my hands I will post again!

First, Camp Star Trails (cancer camp) was great. The children loved it and I think they were very popular with everybody there. When we picked them up the counselors sang their praises. I think the hit of the day was Dorothy. Lots of the little ones struggle at camp but she shone. She behaved and was fun and apparently kept telling the counselors " My mom said I shouldn't do that". What amazed the counselors was that she actually did what she was supposed to! Apparently lots of kids tell the counselors what they are supposed to do but then do whatever they want. I am so grateful to MD Anderson for making this possible. The children really need to be normal kids and camp was so good for them. Also we left Rachel for 3 days with a friend and she had a blast. My friend Nikki actually made her a T-shirt so she would have one too. (the kids at camp got a T-shirt) They came home brown and very happy.

Now that we are back home the children are having a hard time getting back into their routines. (me too) We have been staying up way to late and being a little wild but I am slowly working them back into it. They are in swimming lessons every morning and it is a big production to get them out the door. (hahaha) Anyway, they are having so much fun this summer. Gordon and I are pretty tired but we are enjoying them.

We went to MD Anderson for Joshua's quarterly MRI and blood work and everything looked great! No new occurrence and his numbers are moving up nicely. The doctors even saw a little reaction in his knee reflexes. It was only slight but we will take it! Every MRI makes me nervous and I really breath much easier after it is over. Thanks for your support and prayers, we know they make a difference and help every day.

1 comment:

Sandie Husker said...

hello Jones', sounds like you and the kids are having a very full summer! that is just great.

Our Russ is coming along slowly on his rehab. You can check out his blog at I am keeping it up to date nightly.

Continue the good work Josh!