Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chemo and Coccoa

Well Monday was a long day but we are doing ok. We spent 4 hours trying to swallow a pill and Joshua worked really hard at it but it was just too much. Finally they broke it in a syrup and he got it down. He is not feeling bad now so we are counting ourselves lucky and I am very proud of how hard he worked. He wanted to do it and never stopped trying. We let him pick 2 webkinz for the hard work he did and so that he would not see it as a failure but a success.

I also wanted to tell you a story that happened last Monday. We went to the Mcdonalds for family night and had a blast. They had free Hot Chocolate and face painting. The kids loved it and the face painter took a shine to Joshua. He talked her into painting his head and I thought you would love to see the pictures. As hard as things are Joshua never lets it get him down. I am so grateful to the face painter for caring about Josh. It is wonderful to see him laugh and be silly and just being a kid. Oh, if anybody is interested in how these things relate, Josh used coccoa to try and swallow the pills. He really likes it!


Britt said...

Wow, that's some great head painting. Tell Josh hi, and you are all in our prayers!!!

Kirk & April Douglas said...

Josh is a piece of art, who would have thought! He looks great and sounds like a fun family home evening. PS. If you are feeling homesick for Nebraska it is 1 degree right now without the wind chill. And you know how we get WIND.